The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147284   Message #3414971
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
05-Oct-12 - 01:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: NY Times - 'We need death panels'
Subject: RE: BS: NY Times - 'We need death panels'
Actually Bobz, that is the area in which we DO have problems. Care of the elderly is divided into medical and social care.

The NHS is responsible for the medical care, while social care is the domain of nursing homes, and since there is money to be made, private nursing homes spring up like mushrooms and cream off all the elderly who have saved and provided for retirement, including owning their homes outright. They squeeze every last drop of cash out of them down to an arbitary figure which they cannot touch, and then ditch them into the small number of government funded homes.

The main problem is that there is constant disagreement aboout whether cases are medical or social, with no clear delineation of areas of responsibility.

This is one of the areas in which we punish the thrifty and reward the indigent.

So I'm afraid, old mate that this is unlikely to be the place to head for.

Don T.