The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27552   Message #341520
Posted By: bbelle
15-Nov-00 - 10:45 PM
Thread Name: guitars: OO Martin Sing Out!
Subject: RE: guitars: OO Martin Sing Out!
I played a lot of small-bodied Martins in the last year and wouldn't want one of them over my Gibson B-25. And I'm not going to argue with anyone over it. It's my preference. And I truly am in love with my Larrivee D-05 dreadnought

This past weekend, not having either of my axes with me, I played a Martin D18GE with a 1 3/4" neck and was blown away by the sound. My g-d ... I had a really hard time competing with the sound over my voice, which is not even remotely wimpy. It was strung with Martin SP's (mediums) and just unbelievable.

Another thing that surprised me is that I could even play a 1 3/4" neck!!! It was a stretch, at first, but, after a while, became quite comfortable. Go figure .....!

I also had the distinct pleasure of spending two hours at The 12th Fret playing Martins, Larrivees, Bourgois, a couple of Lowdens, rosewood and mahogany. I was, to put it in Bubba-ese, in hog heaven! David Wren is quite the "guy." We talked about guitar stuff and he wants me to try a set of the Master Class Light strings, so he put a set inside my purse. Of course, if I really like 'em, gotta get 'em from him. :~}

Some of you will understand about the most terrible attack of GAS which overcame me while at The 12th Fret. So many wonderful geetars and so little money!!! I was truly wishing the skies would open up and rain $1000 bills on my head.

Well, that was a bit of threadcreep, but at least it had geetar content, so hope y'll will forgive.

Now ... back to practicing my flatpicking with my brand new 1.05 tortoise shell pick ...
