The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27751   Message #341548
Posted By: GUEST,Ms. Lovee - the Demure
16-Nov-00 - 12:23 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the day - November 16, 2000
Subject: Thought for the day - November 16, 2000
Asian flute music starts with a swaying rhythmic motion as the Divine, the Demure, the Patient, the one and only Ms. Lovee, with the silhouette of a Dietrich, walks up to the microphone...

Good morning one and all, but most especially to my Darling, Micca. I knew you would be true to me my sweet; poor Kelpie, gauche little thing, didn't stand a chance at stealing your heart, now, did she?

They call me the Demure; it is my manner for I was raised in a household of Grace the Geisha where we were taught all manner of social graces; yet, when called upon we are readily able to protect ourselves with unsheathed weapons of Siamese fury.

I do follow the tenets taught me by my Sensei, though, preferring to help my enemy, as in the loathsome Trystan, into the brick wall under their own volition. Much of my interaction with such as he is spent in Ward-Off using my spectacularly developed voice, drawing out every sibilant syllable which imparts my royal lineage and that of my Sensei, so that he runs in fear when he hears my threats. My Mistress is very accomodating, providing backup with the Rattle-Thing each time she is able. Skirmishes have been few as a consequence.

I suppose Kelpie had me in mind when speaking of those of us who do not have much knowledge of moving, but she forgets herself, for I was well-travelled long before I joined My Mistress's dojo. I came here under the guise of a perceived chosen victim of vermin who have perverted the ancient and sacred rites of Samhain. The keeper of the shelter where I sought temporary succour sent me away claiming I had moved on, so as to thwart their nefarious plans. My Mistress was so taken with my beauty and my yogic postures and manner, she gave over her household for my service.

Beauties of my ancestors have long known of sorting and packing and making way under the auspices of such seekers as My Mistress. Therefore, I have remained calm, often in meditative contemplation beaming love and peacefulness towards her, inveigling her heart and coating it with my Light of Affection, for poor thing that she is, so full of nerves at times, then it is when I gently settle on her lap, willing her to stroke my preciously soft toasty cream and chocolate coat, while I close my eyes slowly, then open them, flashing her a quiescient love which I know fills her up as it does me, as she is so kind as to reciprocate, blinking her oddly shaped orbs back at me. Her restless hands then will seek my white snowshoe paws to rub a little between each of my toes, thus releasing her frenetic energy while giving me a bit of a massage.

I must say that I often accompany her while she does what she calls "mudcatting" and I have found some very worthy individuals here whom I would be pleased to comfort in such ways of sitting quietly by while they soak up the energy I've learned to tap into from the Great OmPurr from deep in the Himalayas. My Micca has even spoken with me and actually is such a dear when he calls to me in dulcet tones. If any of you sound like him I should quite like visiting with you, but I have to confess he is my own very special "mate" and I just *know* no one would ever replace him in my heart.

I have had a bit of fun with all of the packing paper and boxes. My favourite yoga exercise is to see what tight spots I am able to curl up in, standing on my head while doing so, then stretching and contracting all of my limbs and muscles holding each posture for a few deep breaths as I was taught for optimum conditioning and health. My Mistress laughs gently at me while I do this, which I don't mind as it is part of the Balance of Life and she is so good at finding small boxes and such for me to try out.

As I am always AtOne and Balanced I would expect this move to go well for me and will do my uptmost to aid My Mistress in all of her endeavours, including her dealings with those of lesser lineage. Don't tell her, but there is one whom I consider close to my station in life, that is Heyokah - the Venerable, who, as I understand it will be giving you his perspective on the whole bit, tomorrow.

Good day to you and May Buddha smile upon you,

Ms. Lovee - the Demure & Patient