The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27742   Message #341565
Posted By: BigDaddy
16-Nov-00 - 02:42 AM
Thread Name: Healing Threads: Do they work?
Subject: RE: Healing Threads: Do they work?
There's an old story about the time an elderly Jewish woman was attending a virtuoso performance by a pianist of great fame. It was time for the concert to begin, and nothing happened. The audience began to grow restless, and finally a spokesman for the venue appeared on stage. He succeeded in quieting the impatient crowd and announced that the great artist whose performance they had all so eagerly anticipated had died moments earlier of a heart attack. The Jewish lady cried out, "Give him an enema!" The embarrassed host replied that the artist was dead and nothing could be done. Again the strident voice rang out, "Give him an enema!" Annoyed, the MC again stated that the artist was dead and such a suggestion was inappropriate. Again the distintive voice cried out, "Give him an enema!" This time the MC became angry. "Lady, what good would that do? He's dead!" "Vat could it hurt?" came the reply.