The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94627   Message #3416088
Posted By: Shimbo Darktree
07-Oct-12 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Nine Miles from Gundagai (trad Australia)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Nine Miles from Gundagai (trad Australia)
On advice from Joe Offer, I would advise you lovely fellow Catters that song ID 4234 in Digitrad (Nine Miles from Gundagai) has the incorrect tune appearing below it. The tune which appears belongs to song ID 6904 "The Road to Gundagai" (which I know as "Lazy Harry's").

Joe has suggested I could arrange for somebody to send the correct MIDI, and he would pass it on to Dick Greenhaus for posting. Seems like I better learn about them there things! I have taken the step of downloading Finale Notepad recently, but something is preventing me from going further. No, it's not because I can't read music - I can. It is a case of chronic malingeritis - some of you may have experienced this yourselves. Hope it goes away soon ...
