The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147436   Message #3416442
Posted By: ollaimh
08-Oct-12 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: zombies
Subject: BS: zombies
i take from the popularity of zombie movies and tv shows that americans have subconscious realization that they are the walking dead. a civikization withoiut moral or spiritual content, completely unconscious to its place and actions on the world and destroting everything in its path. a civilization where the only answer is the gun and all the heros are killers. its kinda like what gunter grass saw in german civilization just before and under the nazis.

for those interested in self awareness i recomend john roulston sauls' book of lectures called "unconscious civilization", and his book voltaires bastards". chris hedges "empire of illusion" and |the deasth of the liberal class" as well as "american fascism" are very good as well.

zobie films are the ultimate in racism. "the other" is completely dehumanized and therefor it becomes virtous to kill, much like "the other" is demonized by americans. as liberals, terrorists, extremist muslims etc, and therefore it is virtous to kill.

this is the oideology of meaningless consumption and endless war in other peoples countries.