The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147436   Message #3416471
Posted By: Don Firth
08-Oct-12 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: zombies
Subject: RE: BS: zombies
The popularity of zombie movies?

I, personally, am not acquainted with anyone who gives a hoot about zombie movies, so I don't know where this idea came from.

The only "zombie" movie I have ever seen was the 1943 "I Walked with a Zombie," and that only because my sister and I were taking in the Saturday matinees at our local movie theater, which offered a double feature, newsreel, cartoon, and a thirteen or fifteen chapter movie serial (cliff-hanger ending, so you had to come back next week to see how the hero got out of whatever fix he or she was in).

I was twelve years old. My sister was eight.

I saw the movie years later, on late night television, and subsequently learned that the plot was very loosely based on the plot of Charlotte Bronté's Jane Eyre (!!).

The setting was an island in the Caribbean, and the song, "Shame and Scandal" was sung in the movie by calypso singer Sir Lancelot. Decades later, the song was recorded by Odetta.

Zombie movies seem to be popular, currently, with the quite young, mostly some teen agers. This is the same demographic that, years ago, was into surfing movies complete with Annette Funicello running around in a bikini.

I don't quite know what great sociological and political insights one can draw from the popularity of surfer movies.

When the next teen-age fad came in, surfing movies vanished from sight.

The popularity of zombie movies? Popular with whom?

Don Firth