The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27742   Message #341765
Posted By: Bill D
16-Nov-00 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: Healing Threads: Do they work?
Subject: RE: Healing Threads: Do they work?
bydand's example is a short rendition of the claim made in "Pascal's wager"....a classic philosophic argument about why one should 'believe'...this is also one of the most hotly refuted arguments around. Studying the structure of Pascal's wager and the various refutations can really give one an idea of what is as the basis of a lot of our disagreements on these matters...(There are VERY many pages devoted to all this, if you are so inclined to do a search.)

Me?...I have NO belief that there are 'energies' zapping about when people think at me....but I also have no doubt that the understanding in my own mind that people CARE can help me to participate in my own healing better.

That said, I am profoundly torn about 'public' threads on healing, Jesus, etc., just as I am about 'praying' over loudspeakers before a high school football game.... I can respect beliefs easier if those who share them do so in more private exchanges....which Max has provided us with. I guess that is already happening to some extent. It ain't easy, and I have mostly gone to just not commenting when my input is not relevant...if Max allows it, my ideas are not gonna change it.