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Thread #146933   Message #3419356
Posted By: GUEST,nobody in particular
13-Oct-12 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trouble in Democratopia
Subject: RE: BS: Trouble in Democratopia
I have heard on the news many of the same reports that Sawzaw has posted. I have also heard on the news that the Chicago teacher's union make disproportionately higher wages than other teacher unions and other workers. I have also read on the news, and in about every Obama speech that the Democrat/liberals are all in favour of a 'level playing field'.
So how is this issue inconsistent with the Democrat/liberal agenda?
Just because it's a 'union'? It would be interesting to learn the back-room 'deals' that allowed this particular union to get such disproportional wages and benefits, if that is the case.

You may also consider that if these wages and benefits are truly unaffordable to the city, that an adjustment downward would certainly be appropriate or they, along with a lot of other people could be out of work!

And by the way, this banter against Sawzaw is really uncalled for. You may not like his posts, but I don't find them as deceiving as a lot of you allege in your knee-jerk re-actions.
He didn't make this up. Moreover, what seems to be 'made up' is the premise for the knee-jerk re-actions, along with the political deal making that made this a problem in the first place.

However, if the 'political deal making' happens to be YOUR particular party, no matter how dishonest, if it's YOUR political party, I guess you think its just peachy!! and then you blame and make villainous those who merely point that out to you, and make believe that YOU are the righteous ones!!!!!