The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147520   Message #3419662
Posted By: GUEST,Eddie1 continuing sans cookie
14-Oct-12 - 11:34 AM
Thread Name: Whatever Happened To Groupies
Subject: RE: Whatever Happened To Groupies
Back in my "Once Upon A Time" days, I played in one of these groups that varied in size from a duo to a 7-piece depending on how much money was coming for the gig. We had a full 6-piece + vocalist gig in the Scottish Borders. Come 1.00am, the gig finished and the "musicians" (I use the term loosely) started packing instruments, amps, PA etc. The vocalist used the time to vanish behind the hall with a young "groupie" who had been giving him the eye all evening. He returned, just as we had finished loading the minibus with all the gear, wearing rather a self-satisfied smirk.
"Well," came the obvious question, "did you get it?" The smirk grew bigger. "I hope not." said the drummer, a medical student and therefore an expert on all matters of a venereal nature. "Didn't you see the bandage round her ankle? That means she's got a dose!"
This was, of course, a well-known FACT! and everyone agreed with the diagnosis. It was also well-known that fresh air was the best first aid. He spent the journey from Jedburgh to Edinburgh kneeling on a speaker cabinet which enabled him to dangle his manhood through the window, or, after 50 miles or so of freezing wind, hold it near the window as there was not much left to dangle.
It didn't finish there however. Boots The Chemist in Shandwick Place was open all night so a stop was made to allow the purchase of a bottle of Dettol. A cup was found in the back of the bus, this was ¾ filled with raw Dettol and he then immersed his member resulting in screams of agony and gusts of laughter.
Don't think I ever saw him again. I think he gave up singing and certainly gave up groupies.
I reckon the moral of the story for singers, dance callers etc is: Always help to pack up the PA and load the van!
