The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141144   Message #3419874
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
14-Oct-12 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: Obit: RIP Sir Jimmy Savile of BBC [2011]
Subject: RE: Jimmy Savile :-( UK disc jockey
Bollocks to Thatcher - she has nowt to do with this - far as I can see. This Saville bugger was up to no good through various administrations.

Lets agree to drop that bit.

What I'd like to say is that I don't envy anyone whose job it is to sort this lot out regarding Saville. When all that stuff came out about him abusing young disabled people - I just felt like clamping my hands over my ears, and terrorising young girls. I just wanted to stop hearing any more but its seems like its everywhere on every newscast - every newspaper is running stories. All horrible, in their detail.