The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5965   Message #34200
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
05-Aug-98 - 10:00 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Lazy River (Hoagy Carmichael)
Subject: LYRIC REQ: Up the lazy river
I am searching for the complete lyrics to a song that has these verses. I don't believe it is folk, but it has a folk feel to it. It has the feel of the 1940's USA to me.

Up the lazy river by the old mill run,
That lazy, lazy river in the new day sun.
While away your cares 'neath a kind old tree.
And dream a dream my baby. Dream a dream of me my baby.

Up the lazy river, where the robin's song,
Awakes a brand new mornin' as we stroll along.
Blue skies up above, everyone's in love.
Up the lazy river, how happy you will be.
Up the lazy river with me.

This could be the entire song, or a reasonable approximation of it, but I am uncertain (and it seems too short). It has floated in my head for over 35 years. It was the theme song for some local TV show in Baltimore. I would like to finish it off, so to speak, having spend so much time with it.

Roger in Baltimore