The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147543   Message #3421118
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
17-Oct-12 - 03:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Amanda Todd and cyber-bullying
Subject: RE: BS: Amanda Todd and cyber-bullying
All schools my children attended had *wonderful* anti-bullying charters, yet my children were bullied in each of those schools...

My daughter, in particular, suffered more, as my son came out of school at 7, she was 15 when she couldn't take it any longer....and on talking to the headmaster we got a blank look and "Well, I can't see any of the young people in her class as being of the bullying type, they're merely your average unthinking teenagers.."

These 'average unthinking teenagers' almost drove my daughter's friend to suicide, along with making her own life at school hell, with their bitchy, nasty comments and their violent behaviour.

MANY children (and I include secondary school pupils under that 'children' banner) have a great many emotional problems, put upon them first and foremost by parents who aren't there for them in their lives. Often, this is driven by a society which has allowed a situation to be created where BOTH parents HAVE to work to keep a roof over their heads, that expects nearly all women to work, (when their work is being a Mum, caring for their children and the home) and/or has created people of such utter selfishness that they see their own wants and needs to be more important than those of their children.

Also we have almost wiped out Motherhood as being of vital importance, and turned our women away from Femininity and Maternal Instincts...

Amanda's horrific death SHOULD spark off a massive debate into why so many children are so horrible to one another, seeming to not care if others they know live, or die...even to the terrifying point of actually FILMING their peers being kicked, beaten up etc. then putting those images on the internet...

This is NOT mormal!

The makers of bitchy, violent, overtly sexual and deeply unpleasant Soaps, Films and Computer Games have a great deal to answer for, but they don't give a feck, not for Amanda, not for anyone, for they are intent on only pouring out their own weird thoughts into mainstream society, too thick, unfeeling, emotionally sick, or desensitised themselves to care.....

We have SO much to put right.
We put it ALL wrong, so we CAN undo it all, but do enough people care these days? Sadly, I don't think they give a damn....and so the Children of the World stagger on trying to stay alive unprotected by families, friends and/or strangers who seem unable to stop the brutality, unable to throw the computers and mobile phones away so that their child is at least protected from 24/7 intrusion by those with no emotions.