The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27742   Message #342142
Posted By: Amos
16-Nov-00 - 10:45 PM
Thread Name: Healing Threads: Do they work?
Subject: RE: Healing Threads: Do they work?
Well the structural components of faith, if I may say so, which define the who you are of which you speak, are themselves deepseated constructions of knowing, also known as beliefs in shorthand. They are not just the lipservice class, though -- I mean the core set with which one is often so deeply identified as to lose sight of them altogether, like the Chinaman's pigtail.

Those are the ones that not only define the whoness of who, but also tend to filter your life so that those experiences allowed show up to be experienced. The Pascalian loop in this view is that you may deeply believe that your beliefs have no effect on your experience. And if you do, you will experience it, and find lots of evidence to support that argument to boot.

:>)) But whatever experience your beliefs bring you, I hope you commit yourself to enjoying the hell out of them.