The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141144   Message #3421843
Posted By: Backwoodsman
18-Oct-12 - 05:22 AM
Thread Name: Obit: RIP Sir Jimmy Savile of BBC [2011]
Subject: RE: Jimmy Savile :-( UK disc jockey
I believe you Eliza, although I had several girl-friends from the age of 15 or so, sex was definitely "off the menu" (apart from a bit of occasional fumbling, what used to be quaintly described as 'light petting'), and I only knew of one girl who got pregnant while still at school (one of my mates was responsible for the impregnation). It was the scandal of both schools, she was suspended and home-tutored until after the baby was born, and it was shipped off for adoption straight away.

And likewise, the idea promoted by the gutter press that every teenager in Britain is shagging like a rabbit nowadays is simply not true. In a dozen or so years working in the Youth Service In the '80s and '90s i was involved in many discussions with groups of young people, and individuals, on various sex-related issues, and the subject that cropped up constantly was how to avoid boys' sexual advances and would a girl think badly of a boy if he didn't try for a bonk. There are still a lot of young people around for whom 'keeping your hand on your ha'penny' (as someone here sneeringly put it) is important.

And, BTW, despite what some on this thread appear to believe, the prime abusers of young girls aren't overpaid celebrities, footballers et al - they are family members. I knew several girls who were raped by their fathers or other relatives, but none who were raped by a celebrity or a footballer.