The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141144   Message #3421859
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
18-Oct-12 - 05:51 AM
Thread Name: Obit: RIP Sir Jimmy Savile of BBC [2011]
Subject: RE: Jimmy Savile :-( UK disc jockey
Richard, I grew up in fecking Middlesex. For GAWD SAKE, stop it!

OK, so you were a randy 13 year old, but trust me on this one, I know many, MANY who weren't...and Eliza is absolutely correct, in that sex was far from our minds back then, for we were way too busy still being children.

Your hormones kicked in early, but that doesn't mean everyone's did...Most importantly of all though we weren't surrounded by images of sex everywhere, nor an internet filled with porn at the touch of a button, nor saturated with sex on TV in the most blatant and often brutal manner...

What many young girls DID dream of was LOVE! Yes, I know, something that drives you nuts, but we did have discussions about weddings and love and boys and love and music and love and films and love.....

We cried our eyes out over Love Story, then went home and dreamt of more Love....

We didn't dream of the Kama Sutra, nor stare at our teachers in an odd way because they'd spoken to us about Oral Sex, as they DIDN'T do this!

We had half an hour of sex education, boys with a male teacher, girls with a female teacher, and my teacher looked soooo uncomfortable. She talked about Love and the ultimate expression of love, sharing your bodies....We didn't stick condoms on bananas, nor talk about anal intercourse, nor any of the other somewhat dodgy things teachers are made to discuss with their pupils these days....

We have done SUCH damage...and those with no emotions, who focus and identify ONLY with sex, and NOT with Love, are to blame. There are many out there who cannot stand emotions, nor emotional people, so they have reduced the Glorious Feeling of Love to a mere bodily function which can be 'fed' with anyone at anytime, anywhere......