The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147580   Message #3422503
Posted By: greg stephens
19-Oct-12 - 06:34 AM
Thread Name: Mark Radcliffe replaces Mike Harding-Radio 2 Folk
Subject: RE: Mark Radcliffe replaces Mike Harding-Radio 2 Folk
raymond greenoaken makes an extremely valid point that I havent heard pointed out before on this topic. Couldn't agree more. Both Tony Capstick and Mike Harding were performers of huge humour and enthusiasm, plus great background knowledge and experience. Mike Harding stage shows would make you wet yourself, and I remember many moments of uncontrollable hilarity with Tony Capstick. But these qualities, to be brutally honest, did not successfully come out in Folkweave or Mike's current folk show.The problem does not lie with the presenters, it lies with the inability of the power structures of the BBC and/or Smooth Operations to come up with a scintillating format that actually uses the talent they have got.It's emphatically not the fault of the music that potentially could be played, or the potential presenters. The problems were, and will be, structural.