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Thread #99480   Message #3423434
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
21-Oct-12 - 06:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: British Army at it again
Subject: RE: BS: British Army at it again
"There was a young guy in his late teens came up North around 1972 or 3, from somewhere down south, can't recall where. He was very spirited, spoke of family involved in the struggle since the 1920's.

His girlfriend followed him against his expressed wished. They died instantly when the device they were transporting exploded, she wouldn't let him go alone. I recall a young soldier shot by a sniper in 1974, he was only a kid of 18. He called out what I presume were family members or a girlfriend to help him, medics couldn't get to him for what seemed ages. This is the cruelty many forget."

So this shows "humanity" does it Raedwulf?? Curious sort of "humanity" if it is

The first example the "young guy from down South" and his girlfriend went out to deliberately place an explosive device with the intent of taking life - I was delighted to hear that their device exploded prematurely and I hope that no innocent lives were lost.

The second (I presume "other side of the coin") example is the deliberate murder of an 18 year old who was on the streets of Northern Ireland specifically to stop people such as those mentioned in the first example from taking innocent lives with their bombs.

No comparison whatsoever.

Any news on Dolours Price and Brendan Hughes tapes?? As of the 6th July, 2012, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit agreed with the government's position that the subpoena should not be quashed and that the tapes should be released to the PSNI.   What is on those tapes may yet see Gerry Adams collar felt for ordering the murder of Jean McConville.

Oh and Guest Martin no mention on your part of the PIRA deliberately shooting children in circumstances where they thought it could be blamed on the Security Forces, then, in once instance in particular, lying bare-faced to the Parents of the child they had killed.

Much talk about statistics and their accuracy - one thing sticks out though as a constant - The Republicans/Nationalists killed more Irish men women and chidren in the squalid period referred to as "The Troubles" than any other actor in the drama.

The Royal Marines in question are being held while an investigation is being carried out - nobody here knows the circumstances - so nobody here can accuse anybody of doing anything at the moment.

I will wait to see what happens.