The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27788   Message #342375
Posted By: Jeri
17-Nov-00 - 11:02 AM
Regarding members who've been around for a while leaving, some of us have needed a break, and perhaps others made the break final. I found myself reacting too emotionally to what went on here, and took a step back. I needed some perspective. I eventually realised that the problem lay in my own reactions and not anything wrong with Mudcat. I was too involved, too serious, too emotional, and I took things too personally.

I found a way to not allow myself to get that wrapped up in things that happen here. Others may not be able to do that, and it's to their credit that they realise it and decide to avoid the triggers if they can't eliminate/mitigate the root cause.

Opting out is a serious and terrible thing when it comes to life in general, but leaving someplace like Mudcat isn't tragic and isn't necessarily final. It's their decision, and I can respect it.

There are others who simply don't find what they want here, or enough of it, and move on. That's their decision - Mudcat can't be all things to all people.