The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27788   Message #342396
Posted By: Allan C.
17-Nov-00 - 11:28 AM
I think some of the comments posted so far reflect my feelings. We are here and return here because it is a place of comfort. We feel an equality here which is uncommon in the outside world. We love our music and are bound to each other through it.

We know how nice it feels to be here and want to share that. We are especially sensitive to the potential loss of someone who has not yet felt that or who, for some reason, no longer feels that. We know that the beauty is shadowed from time to time by various factors. But we also know, (especially those who have been here for quite some time,) that the shadows fade and the beauty of this place shines ever brighter.

Here we begin to know one another in ways which only the closest of friends can. SINSULL and Little Neophyte give testimony to that in their posts above. They recognize things about me that I am not aware I project.

It is true that I am always in love. I love the people here. I love the music. And on a more personal level, I have been in love with a wonderful woman for more than eight years.

I was truly recharged by going to the Getaway. I felt that last year as well after attending for the first time.

In recent weeks I have found some local folks with whom to make some music. David C. is one of them. This is indeed exciting for me.

But this thread is not about me. If you want to know more, just send me an email (see Mudcat Resources) or PM. I'll talk your ears off.

But getting back to the subject: I have simply been admiring how much heart we put into urging folks to stick around.