The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27788   Message #342421
Posted By: Jim the Bart
17-Nov-00 - 12:04 PM
Personally, it's not as important to me whether people stay or leave; that is their choice. I just don't want people feeling that they're being forced to leave when they have good reason to stay.

There are a lot of heated exchanges here - but that should be OK. Just because I may think you have the absolutely most wrong-headed idea about something, doesn't mean I want you to leave. I want to know what you think; I want the chance to change your mind or, more importantly, have my mind changed. We should be able to present our own points of view and hope that, as they collide, some new understanding emerges. In a way, tthis is a better p[lace to do this than "real life". We're all just characters on the screen here; ideas have to stand on their own, without the support of a winning smile or engratiating personality.

If someone feels they have "embarassed themselves" by missing the humor in a posting, or jumping to wrong conclusions and flaming someone, they shouldn't have to feel they need to leave. We all do that at one time or another. If someone screws up, admit it, take your lumps, and show us what else ya got.

I haven't been posting all that long, and I have never met a 'Catter face to face, but I have never felt like a stranger here. If there is a "clique" (and I don't believe there is) I don't mind. Everyone has a right to make their own friendships. All I ask is a chance to play too, from timt to time.

My one fear is that I'm going to bore people - that people are going to see my name and "scroll on down the road". I can be opinionated. And I have a "keen sense of the obvious". I often speak before thinking - and once posted the inane/obscure/dumb comment, it's out there. I hope that when I do that people are forgiving. I hope that when I cross a line, whether I knew it was there or not, someone with better sense will take me aside (that's what PM's are for) and let me know about it. Or scald me right out in front of god and everybody. As long as you can take as well as give, and you don't hold grudges, that's fine.

gotta go