The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27788   Message #342471
Posted By: BlueJay
17-Nov-00 - 01:01 PM
Allan- IMO it seems the Mudcat is truly the sum of it's individual members, so when a member takes leave it somehow diminishes us all. I value the insights of 'Catters I disagree with on many subjects, and it has been a broadening experience for me. So I don't like it when a valued Mudcatter takes his/her leave.
I don't recall actively encouraging anyone to stay against their will, (though I have wanted to). I can only speak for myself, but when Mbo quit, I was bummed. I didn't chime into the protest, as so many others seemed to be doing it adequately. But I thought that the Mudcat would be the poorer without him.

I am truly sad to see Praise go. I'll never forget all her poems welcoming new Mudcatters, as well as her thoughtful insights. I haven't jumped in on this one because Praise said she would not read nor respond to such tactics. She has, however, stated that she is still personal friends with various Mudcatters, so I think there's hope she'll come back. Needs a hiatus, maybe. Perhaps she's had too many negative comments on her faith. I think the music may bring her back eventually. I hope so, I'll miss her.

I think the same forces are in evident in the eager way in which we welcome new members! Thanks, BlueJay