The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147702   Message #3425293
Posted By: Essex Girl
24-Oct-12 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening 2012, Successes & Failures?
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening 2012, Successes & Failures?
All beans great, plus the mange tout, (I will plant more next year) Potatoes, onions, beetroot, spinach and swiss chard were also good. My first try at growing cucumbers outdoors was moderately successful, and I have made stacks of green tomato chutney as although I had an excellent crop they failed to ripen.The Mizuna, rocket and black pepper grew in abundance and the mizuna is still flourishing.
Failures, the radishes went to seed, and most of the courgettes got eaten by slugs. I spent many evening going around the garden with beer traps and collecting them. I had no pears and no Cox apples, although the cooker did reasonably well. Raspberries and redcurrants were great but I only managed 1lb of gooseberries from my bush.