The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147702   Message #3425734
Posted By: selby
25-Oct-12 - 04:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening 2012, Successes & Failures?
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening 2012, Successes & Failures?
Parsnips absolutely huge
Sprouts fantastic
Cabbage fantastic
Beetroot huge
Pears absolutely bumper crop
Potatoes reasonable with some blight
Apples very poor about a dozen on a tree that usually is weighed down with apples
Runner beans moderate crop
Peas moderate crop
Spring onions ok
Carrots good
Sweet corn very poor
Squashes never formed
Radishes poor
Tomatoes mixed success but not overall good
Cucumbers bitter
Plums fair
Rhubarb excellant
We live in an area with clay soil, the garden has been water logged, the water table in our area is that high at the moment that a dozen spots of rain and our lawn is waterlogged so on balance, we feel, produce wise a good year