The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147787   Message #3427207
Posted By: The Sandman
28-Oct-12 - 06:31 AM
Thread Name: bellows changes on english concertina to
Subject: bellows changes on englih concertina to
my opinion, and it is only an opinion, would be to take a book like the cranitch fiddle tutor and try and emulate his suggested bowing changes with bellows changes, this is not always possible to do slavishly, but some of it can be incorporated.
another idea i like is to take the notes on the left hand side of the EC AND PLAY THEM ONE DIRECTION AND THOSE ON THE RIGHT THE OTHER WAY, in effect this means that half the g scale is one way the other is a different direction, but a lot of arpeggios are same direction, both options will mean you change bellows more frequently than standard EC 2 or 3 bar changes, either way the result will be more lift.
another option is to use the noel hill beginner anglo system[ i mean the way he cross rows]playing a certain amount up the c row and a certain amount up the g row , the high d can be played either push or pull, or a player can copy the bc directions, all of these methods will give more lift.