The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147785   Message #3428637
Posted By: GUEST,Stim
30-Oct-12 - 09:16 PM
Thread Name: OK How do you make the perfect cup of coffee?
Subject: RE: OK How do you make the perfect cup of coffee?
Ah, but it is possible to know how old the beans are, in a way, at least, because packaged beans have freshness dates, and if the beans are loose, you can ask the seller when they were roasted(if they don't know, find another seller).

Also, it is possible to find places that roast their own beans, and, surprisingly, they often cost no more than the packaged sorts. (especially since, in the US at least, packaged coffee tends to come in cans or vac bags are 12-14oz., when the fresh roasted tends come by the pound)