The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #3428801
Posted By: LilyFestre
31-Oct-12 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: on to Life!
SRS made a comment on my Facebook page last night about a photo of Jeremiah and it made me think about all of you here at Mudcat. I read over some of this thread, particularly the dates after Jeremiah arrived and I am sorry to post that I have neglected putting up photos for my friends here. Today, we remedy that!!! Last night I spent some time going through my photos from this year and picked out a few of my favorites so that you can see Jeremiah growing. He is now 2 1/2 and a very busy, chatty, sweet little boy.

On the cancer front, everything seems to be going well. I still am tired much sooner than I think I should be, my body doesn't move like it used to and I have regained a significant amount of weight to which my GYN/ONC shrugs and says it comes with the hysterectomy and will be very difficult to lose. HMPH. I keep telling myself that I have my life and my family...the belly is what it is. I have a tumor marker check up on Friday and as usual, I am praying for low numbers.

Enough of that, here is Jeremiah:

Love to you all!!!!
