The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147806   Message #3429709
Posted By: Stanron
01-Nov-12 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tall Ship Bounty Abandoned in Storm!
Subject: RE: BS: Tall Ship Bounty Abandoned in Storm!
It's a long time since I read on this subject but in the past I have read both Captains Slocum and Voss. They both wrote about strategies for coping with bad weather. One of the first actions they both took was to determine how their vessels behaved in the bad stuff. One of them advocated all sails down and the use of a sea anchor, essentially a cone of heavy duty fabric at the end of a long line from the bow with the point cut off. This held the bow of the boat into the wind which was felt to be the safest position. The other preferred to remove all sails and let the vessel find it's own position. In both cases they got down below and wedged themselves into some sort of secure position until it was all over. And of course it was only possible as long as they were far enough off shore. The point is that neither of them thought there was much point in anyone being above deck once the weather was so bad that they couldn't carry sail. I would not want to second guess an experienced skipper on the basis of a video and in the absence of pertinent information. I know that these two ships were smaller and there was only one person aboard still...