The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147785   Message #3430013
Posted By: Charmion
02-Nov-12 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: OK How do you make the perfect cup of coffee?
Subject: RE: OK How do you make the perfect cup of coffee?
Stanron, is there any place you go to have coffee where you find it delicious? If so, ask the staff how they make it. If not, ask yourself if your sense of taste might be a bit off.

I find that my sense of taste is highly variable. At times of the year when my sinuses are inflamed, such as now, everything tastes sort of bland and uninteresting. The other day, for example, we had cold roast chicken with cranberry sauce for supper, and the cranberry tasted of nothing much in particular except acid and sugar. To me, that is; to my husband, it was the same old familiar very-cranberry-tasting cranberry sauce I always make.