The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147785   Message #3430055
Posted By: Steve Shaw
02-Nov-12 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: OK How do you make the perfect cup of coffee?
Subject: RE: OK How do you make the perfect cup of coffee?
'Twas Totnes in Devon that drove away Costa.

All my life I've hated instant coffee. I thought I hated coffee because of that. Then, in Venice last October, a place where a good cup of tea cannot be had (they tend to give you a cup of water that was boiling ten minutes ago and a tea bag with string attached in a nasty little wrapper), I found out that fresh coffee was, in fact, very nice, that it was just that I'd never had it. We got someone to buy us an espresso machine (with milk frother) and a coffee grinder last Christmas. We now consume cappuccinos with gay abandon and I enjoy a large espresso or two on frequent occasions. No sugar, no mucking about with sprinkly chocolate on top. We use semi-skimmed milk. I'm thinking of trying unsweetened soya milk tomorrow.