The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147785   Message #3431157
Posted By: GUEST,Stim
05-Nov-12 - 12:38 AM
Thread Name: OK How do you make the perfect cup of coffee?
Subject: RE: OK How do you make the perfect cup of coffee?
I think that that is quite the wrong approach, Stanron. Expanding on what Mr. Shaw has said, one cannot decide to drink coffee. One must be called to it, generally by the aroma, either of the freshly ground or roasted beans, or by the freshly brewed coffee itself.

I came to coffee on a sunny Friday afternoon, many years ago, in Berkeley, California. I stumbled into an espresso bar across from the campus, and immediately was overcome by the aroma of roasted beans and steam. It was many years before Starbucks (which was inspired by the Peet's, mentioned earlier in this thread), and a menu hung above the coffee machines, which featured the notation"Espresso: If you don't know what it is, you won't like it."

Of course, I ordered an "Espresso", and have never looked back.(Though, for personal reasons, as mentioned above, I currently favor a peculiar Latino freeze dried product.)