The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27816   Message #343369
Posted By: catspaw49
19-Nov-00 - 12:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Your BLUES NAME ...
Subject: RE: BS: Your BLUES NAME ...
Knew a guy with a priapic condition and he met this nice chinese girl who was really interested in him. They were sitting on the couch and she was whispering in his ears, running her tongue around them, and things were progressing along. He asked her if she could help him with his "condition" and she said, "Oh yes. You need woks job." He figured this was something oriental and agreed. She left the room and came back with two flat paddles, a ball of twine, and some handcuffs. Once again she ran her tongue around both his ears and then took down his pants. Without comment, she took his priapic member and laid it on one of the paddles, gently tying it in place with the twine. Again she kissed both cheeks and delicately ran her tongue around his ears. Then she handcuffed both hands behind his back and picked up the other paddle. She raised it high above her head and with a loud shriek, slapped it down on top of the other, flattening his willie between them. The guy's entire body stiffened as though it were undergoing an electrical shock, and the wax shot out of both ears.


Deleted 78 duplicate messages and a puddle of earwax. --JoeClone