The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148032   Message #3434138
Posted By: sciencegeek
10-Nov-12 - 09:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
From a distance, one wonders why an extra-marital affair would force a career ending resignation.

an interview with a vice-admiral in the intelligence community - I know, that oxymoron military intelligence- explained it as part of the military culture of accepting responsibility as part of leadership. earning and deserving the trust of your troops that you put in harms way

as an officer and a gentleman, he owned up to his indiscretion - though not clear how it was uncovered- and what is the honorable course of action for a military leader... oh if only Newt had as much class as that.