The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148030   Message #3434650
Posted By: scouse
11-Nov-12 - 06:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Can someone please explain..
Subject: RE: BS: Can someone please explain..
I'm from Liverpool but lived over this neck end of the wood for 30 odd years. Yes indeed "Cloggieland." is my word the Netherlands and not as many call Holland, in fact I live in the province called Zuid Holland and Amsterdam is in Noord Holland.Quite confusing for someone living outside Europe, excluding England.

....Most Republican Congressmen have signed an "official" Tea Party-inspired pledge that they will never, under any circumstances, increase taxes on any American citizen. That's "under any circumstances."...

I find the above absolutely stupid! To have signed anything so idiotic and to sit in Congress belies belief.Taxes must rise and fall and everyone, depending on their income and economics should pay their due lot, in other words the more one earns the more one contributes it's self evident to my mind of thinking. Nothing is static!! The quicker these people are deselected from their place of power in Congress the better it will surely be for America.

Thanks for everything everyone and I'm sure this subject will ramble on and on.

I apolgise for my sometimes bad English grammar I have a habit of thinking in Dutch them directly translating it!!

As Aye,
