The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148032   Message #3435810
Posted By: Donuel
13-Nov-12 - 10:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
Satire alert

Become a sex scandal investigator TODAY
DON"T WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF, 'if you're not guilty you don't have anything to worry about when it comes to the total elimination of privacy today.
There are a tremendous number of jobs opening to investigate the sexual misbehavior of Americans who happen to have a trace of fame. This is now the leading economic indicator of how well the Stimulus package has helped create many new jobs.

The sheer number of targets for this pink journalism has gone from the supermarket rag sheets to the big time. Never mind the fiscal cliff, what the world needs to know is who touched a broad's dirty parts and who kissed who's dingle whompous, or in most cases, a dinky whimpus.

If you want a job in this expanding career I suggest you start in your neighborhood and then expand to work, government and the military.
The floodgates are open now that priests and coaches are not automatically guaranteed imunity from prosecution. In this emerging police state rife with cameras and mega google quantum computers recording every email twit and phone call, the number of lives ruined is limitless. Learn new ways to get the detailed story for novices... Organize wife pity parties. They will get together and spread some REALLY good dirt. Go to chat rooms and fish for who also had sex with X (X can be any innocent person chosen at random. Ask Spaw, he is bound to know.
The sex scandal business is limitless!


Current sex scandals in the global news market: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gen. Adams
BBC president resigns over announcer's sex history/
Friend of general's, mistress to the wife of her friends lover
Jerry Sandusky has affair in prison without condom or lube
Elmo's handler investigated for having a teenage friend.
Washington accused of snuggling at Valley Forge
Jefferson investigated for having sex with his wife's half sister.
Bill Clinton, the Ohio carpenter, not the President.
Rapperee investigated for misconduct with a goat's head?
Bobert investigated for switch hitting auto erotica by using non dominant hand.
Amos: the investigation has taken a turn that con not ever be discussed on mudcat.

The sex reporting crowd win whether they get a story or not much the same as a Wall St. broker can win for losing.
IF someone is not having sex, WHY NOT and Whats up with that?

Oh Bobert you are right about a Benghazi connection only its not what people thought.

On the night in question Petraus' personal calendar said he was to be at a screening of the new Hanks film and was seen there...prior to slipping out when the lights went down. He was unreachable for two hours when he finally learned that every resuce team was 4 hours away from getting a response team to the Libyan consulate (it's not an embassy folks) The real delay came from a middle manager who held back the available response team because only 3 guys were available and they were waiting for another 8. By the book a partial team is not authorized to go. Did Bhengazi get attacked because Gen. Petraeus went to a video but snuck out and got his dingus gulped? Congressman KIng wants to know. oh oh he needs to know soooo bad ooo.

….. anyway, the careers' opening up in sex investigation are good for the economy but takes a person with balls willing to go All In and plunge in head first to get the truth to come forth.