The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27899   Message #343831
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
20-Nov-00 - 05:45 AM
Thread Name: Manchester, UK. Big Thanks!
Subject: Manchester, UK. Big Thanks!
As well as having a splendid time all round we managed to raise 138 pounds for the Children in need appeal. I will try to add in our clubs next singers night reaffle and see if we can make it up to 150 quid.

A big pat on the back for all who contributed and an especialy big thank you to Bill S for the donation of the fine item, to Terry K for giving us the highest bid and to Joan B for the highest bid for the Les Barker love songs.

Hope no-one was too disapponted with the mystery prizes;-) and hope Chris Roach eventualy joins the Mudcat to be thanked for his sense of humour in receiving the last prize of all - the co-op carrier bag (aka the melodeon case!)

It would be nice to hear from anyone who won one of the mystery prizes to see if they enjoyed it anyway!

LOL and Cheers

Dave the Gnome