The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148169   Message #3439383
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
20-Nov-12 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Subject: RE: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
>>>The British have a history of telling people (other than them) in places they've colonized how to live and behave.* Lizzie is just continuing the tradition. I just don't think she will ever figure it out.<<<

Seems I've stirred up a White Thanksgiving Hornet's Nest, huh?

Jeri, read my earlier posts. I'm all for the British government apologizing for what our Sociopathic forefathers did...

I guess you guys will take solace from the fact that America issued an apology to the Native Americans, whilst completely ignoring the fact that most people aren't even AWARE this was done. This being because the bastards who issued it, Obama included, hid it amongst a whole pile of inconsequential shit they issued....Of course,they're shit-scared of having to give back much of the land they stole and put right the Treatries that have been dishonoured in every way...

Greg, take a look on my Facebook page, you'll find a whole lotta people there....

Gargoyle, well, I never knew you were an FBI arse-licker until this day. I've 'spoken' with Trimbach and his buddy Ed Woods, and their 'groupie' Looking Back Woman who promotes theh Trimbach Boysies book on her vast and numerous websites...If you look deeper you'll find Denise Pictou Maloney (Anna Mae's daughter) and the dreaded Paul (spit) Demain linked in with them too. They do EVERYTHING they can to implode AIM from the inside out..and I'd imagine that Woods and Trimbach are sitting back laughing their racist little heads off in absolute glee.

I suggest you find out the REAL truth about Leonard...and if you think he had a fair trial, then you take my breath away. You do KNOW about Myrtle Poor Bear's testimony,do you? You do KNOW the FBI threatened to remove her children unless she said what they wanted, that they also threatened and coerced other witnesses into making false statements, withheld evidence which would have proved Leonard's innocence, resited the trial to a town known for it's racist views towards Native Americans and hauled an 'FBI friendly' judge out of retirement for his trial, amongst a whole pile of other shite?

Do you know the FBI, to this day, still have around 100,000 documents pertaining to Leonard and his trial which they REFUSE to release, even though they now come under the Freedom of Information Act....

You'll also find the 'mother fucker begging for his life' and 'gun in her mouth' story come from the gang mentioned above..

Please, at least do me the honour of finding out BOTH sides of The Truth here and figuring out that the FBI were after Leonard and the main leaders of AIM long before the shooting happened....

Read M Weslely Swearingen's (ex-FBI agent)book 'FBI Secrets - An Agent's Expose' and hear him say how agents were told to arrest the leaders of AIM on ANYTHING they could make stick, no matter how small..and to keep arresting them, over and over, until no court in the land would grant bail..!

J Edgar Hoover was the most unpleasant, lying, cheating, criminal, racist and fascist bastard going and he created a bureau of like-wise people. Wes Swearingen left because he could no longer stand what they were doing as agents....

Read up about Jean Seberg and how their COINTELPRO neutralizing tactics led to her suicide. You'll even find their memos about her online, where they say to basically take her down, simply because she DARED to fall in love with one of the guys from The Black Panthers, becoming pregnant by him..and they trashed her, EVERYWHERE!

Read up about Elmer Geronimo Pratt and how he too was kept in prison for almost 30 years, and how the SAME Bastard Agent who framed Elmer was put in charge of Leonard's case!!

Then realize that almost EVERY bad word you read about Leonard Peltier, on the internet, comes from the bastards you choose to support, who have many sites, in many names, who FLOOD Youtube with nasty, twisted videos and cover Youtube pages in their sick comments...

Read up how they took out full page adverts to neutralize Leonard yet AGAIN when Clinton almost pardoned him, threatening to go on a country-wide strike and cause chaos...until Clinton backed down...


It ain't rocket science.

And I apologise to some posters above, for I hadn't realized that Thanksgiving Day is a time to crack jokes about Native Americans...not that I'd do that ever, but it seems that some do..

And now, I'm off to read 'Ojibwa Warrior' and get the story of Dennis Banks 'out there' a litte more...

Oh, and of course, Pete Seeger, bless him, has given his blessing to the new film about Leonard 'Wind Chases The Sun' becoming part of the advertising campaign for it, urging people to help set Leonard free....

Enjoy your turkey...and don't forget to add a large helping of Genocide Jelly to your plates to make it slip down a little easier...