The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27900   Message #343950
Posted By: GUEST,Big Mick
20-Nov-00 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should Music on the WWW be free? ;-)
Subject: RE: BS: Should Music on the WWW be free? ;-)
GREAT LINK!!!!!!! It exactly demonstrates the point that I have tried to make with my young friends. I don't give a shit how you try to color this issue, it boils down to folks getting something for nothing. Want to argue that Arista is ripping off consumers, I probably wouldn't argue. But it is damn difficult to make that same arguments about the Folk Legacy's and the Camsco's of the world. The Paton's and Dick Greenhaus continue to make the music we love available to us and usually don't make much money doing it. The survive by the thinnest of margins. Things like free distribution of that which they provide could be the thing that puts them under. And until there is a way to compensate the artists for their labors, I will be completely opposed to the use of this technology. It is not on my computer and will not be.

Big Mick