The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27899   Message #343962
Posted By: Noreen
20-Nov-00 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: Manchester, UK. Big Thanks!
Subject: RE: Manchester, UK. Big Thanks!
Thanks for reminding me, Micca. One of the highlights for me, was being able to sing Joan's composition for the first time, with her accompanying me on guitar. The song is called 'Memories of Tonight' and had been haunting me since I first heard it on tape a couple of weeks before- I've still not heard the rest of the tape because I keep winding it back to play that song again!! It struck a chord with me *HA!* as being relevant to my 'picking daisies' thread, hence Micca calling it the Daisies song...

Apparently Joan had not sung the song herself for a good while, and was pleased to be reminded of it. Wonderful! Thanks again, Joan.

