The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148169   Message #3440018
Posted By: Richard Bridge
21-Nov-12 - 04:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Subject: RE: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
The relative positions of (a) the English (b) the Scottish (c) the Welsh and (d) (some of) the Irish can be debated at length. There can be no real doubt that both Romany and non-Romany travellers are much oppressed in the UK and both parts of Ireland - and indeed in large parts of Europe. The UK has done its level best to disadvantage those here (and those who wish to come here) from its former colonies. Only this week the courts have poured further vilification on those who legally represent immigrants about to be deported. I was picked on by a judge for objecting to his discrimination against a barrister of Pakistani origin whom I had instructed. I won, but at some cost.

But some people are beyond rational discussion.