The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27825   Message #344003
Posted By: GUEST,bbc at work
20-Nov-00 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: 12 months of Xmas
Subject: RE: BS: 12 months of Xmas
Fellow Scrooges,

In New York, it's started before Thanksgiving this year & the commercialism makes me want to vomit. The clerks have now been instructed to tell me to "Have a Happy Holiday!" instead of a "Good Day." I wish I could hibernate until after January 1st. Instead, I will make a few meaningful donations to Salvation Army Santas, w/ a friendly word & a hug; we will celebrate mostly religiously, rather than w/ gifts; I will send notes, not just signed cards, to keep in touch w/ friends; & I will do my best to limit myself to the "express" lines in the food stores & to avoid all other stores as much as humanly possible. Instead, I'll try to find quiet places, lick a few snowflakes, look at the stars, & thank God for the gift of His Son.

best to all of you from New York,
