The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148209   Message #3441199
Posted By: gnu
23-Nov-12 - 06:07 PM
Thread Name: native americans took the land!!!!!!
Subject: RE: native americans took the land!!!!!!
Ed... there is only one reason. Seal sucks! I once was fed seal for breakfast, lunch and supper at Annie's Hotel in Makkovik, Labrador for three days on a construction job and then saw her nephew Curtis land another fookin seal on the dock. I asked if she had anything else. Caribou stew! YES, PLAESE, Ma'am! You would think that paying guests would get some caribou meat, no? No. Just caribou fat. Ya know that tallow ya can't scrape off the roof of your mouth with your tongue so you gotta use a fingernail?

I made arrangements for my crew to eat with the construction contracter POST HASTE! Now, seal flipper pie, okay. But that oughta tell ya sommat... if the flipper is the best part, well, kill em all and there'll be more cod and salmon.