The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148209   Message #3441240
Posted By: gnu
23-Nov-12 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: native americans took the land!!!!!!
Subject: RE: native americans took the land!!!!!!
Better than none, Don. And we are damn near there. Did ya know there were cullings of seals with 223 cal machine pistols from helicopters when the salmon were massed off our coast? Seals take a bite out of a salmon's gut and let it sink... then another... then another... so that they can feed for days after the salmon enter the fresh waters. The salmon mass up on a full moon and wait for high tide in huge schools. The explosion of the seal population due to the boycotts brought about by Brigitte Bardot and Paul McCartney (ignorant twits) cost a lot of Atlantic Canucks a substantial part of their living and helped the decline of the cod and salmon stocks.

Yes, it was the lumber industry that was the main culprit regarding the salmon and it's being addressed as well as it can be but these "environmentalist" tree and seal huggers did far more harm than good. Just like when they "saved" the old growth forests here... which most of blew down in a windstorm... six MILLION cubic metres of wood went down in ONE DAY. Trees die too when they get old. It's the cycle of life. "Saving" them cut them all down and THAT is a true tragedy.

I am all for the environment but I am totally against some millionaire Brit twit protesting when he knows absoulutely NOTHING about the environment here. Unfortunately, ignorant yuppies in foreign lands read their crap in the newspapers and not only boycott but also donate to these money making organizations. Their loss, really, and, worse, our loss as people of the earth and the loss of those that feed and cloth themselves with cod, salmon and seals.

I would rather eat a sickly salmon than go hungry on accounta seals suck.