The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148209   Message #3441807
Posted By: MGM·Lion
24-Nov-12 - 11:50 PM
Thread Name: native americans took the land!!!!!!
Subject: RE: native americans took the land!!!!!!
Seriously, tho ~~ about the PM biz. Not by any means the first time that I have reported on the contents of a PM on the forum, in order to show how that bit of the argument was going. Nobody has ever objected before. If I receive a letter in the mail, or an email, I regard them as my property, at my discretion to make the contents public or not. My choosing to do so is not the same as anyone else trying to hack them. It had never even occurred to me that PMs were supposed to be governed by the same rules as the Secrets of the Confessional, as gnu appears to believe. Does anyone else think so? I should be glad to know, for future reference. I really am sorry to have caused gnu such apparent distress. Is it universal, or widely shared? I should genuinely like to know.
