The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148209   Message #3442187
Posted By: gnu
25-Nov-12 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: native americans took the land!!!!!!
Subject: RE: native americans took the land!!!!!!
I spoke with some of my native buddies over the past days and invited them to read this thread and maybe join in. With exception of some links, they were mostly saddened by the posts. Each of three said they would never post here or anywhere else because their and their fourfathers' experiences in trying to "talk" with white men were useless and could only lead to more trouble for them, personally or, perhaps, otherwise (paraphrasing).

I understand. And it saddens me. One guy in particular. He is a cutup... funny as hell! When he tears a strip off whites AND reds, he is a joy to listen to. His wisdom, often expressed in humour, is cutting to the core. Thread drift about to happen... I recall the first time I met him. I was working for his band as an engineer. He was a tour guide at "the land" and he explained that his bone vest (costume donned for the tourists) was made with gaps because proper warrior armour would be too hot... and not worth a shit against a rifle so his forefathers should have worn them like that so they would have been comfortable when they were shot by the Redcoats. Not funny at all, but it was when he told me on accounta he made it sound funny. Makes ya think, don't it?

Gee... this thread just saddens me. Even when I laugh.