The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148306   Message #3442818
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
26-Nov-12 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Answers that make you go 'huh?'
Subject: BS: Answers that make you go 'huh?'
From -

"What sociological factors affect voting?"
First answer--
"Social Class and Income": Very wealthy persons (persons in the top percentile of income) are slightly more likely to vote Republican. The middle class is more evenly divided."


Seems to me there is only a minor difference as between 'slightly more' and 'more evenly divided'; in fact, 'more evenly divided' could even be 'slightly more'.

No wonder we're a confused society.

There are a trillion example statements like this...but perhaps I exaggerate a bit.