The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27899   Message #344305
Posted By: Terry K
21-Nov-00 - 01:14 AM
Thread Name: Manchester, UK. Big Thanks!
Subject: RE: Manchester, UK. Big Thanks!
Yes, another classic - massive thanks for the organising work and lots of love to all who were there. I missed the final Sunday session (for various last-minute reasons it seemed like a good idea to get on the road) so was unable to say proper goodbyes but I know you'll take them as read.

I found myself listening in awe, thinking "I've got friends who can produce music like this". But again, the warmth of the atmosphere was just something else. Dave W summed it up when he said he wished he had a bottle to open up and just capture some of the atmosphere to keep for later use.

Roll on the next gathering - is it going to be Yorkshire?

Love to all, Terry