The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66167   Message #3444128
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
29-Nov-12 - 12:03 AM
Thread Name: Guitar Picks - How to keep from losing them
Subject: RE: Guitar Picks - How to keep from losing them
Traveling with Rolph Throughout the southwestern US

A he was never 'in need".

He found the bounty of the western planes splayed across his horizon. His greatest no greater than guitar picks.

We tended to wash mid -week. The laudramats were slower and they did not crush our week end plans. The trashcans full of a weeks folly. Gallon jugs were straight, pfuritanical pure. It was in the thicker cored, narrowed rim quarts he found his passion. The delft touch of a Bic -Lighter could turn its greater thickens into a "finger of love.'...little ridges included for a thrill.

I never saw his with anthong "commerciak " although in a pinch he would use a USA auarter with a special grip of maker's tape.

Never knew him to be hungrety. An hour with a bottle -neck slide guitar always gave him a whole meal, a case full fof tips, and something for his sheep dog.