The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148378   Message #3445245
Posted By: CupOfTea
01-Dec-12 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: cannot afford to continue...
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
I hate not having any money to spare when a situation comes up to support something that means a great deal to me, and Mudcat does.

All I can offer is some of my beadwork jewelry. My beadwork has been worn and cherished by such lovely folks as Caroline Paton, Sally Rogers, Anne Hills, Phil Cooper (Dave Para warned Phil he could be mugged for the beaded hatband I did for him), Cathy Barton, Margaret Nelson, Lou Berryman (as seen on the cover of "The Universe 14 Examples"), R.P. Hale, Judy Cook & a number of others I can't call to mind right now.

I've never participated in a Mudcat auction & all I could find there were DebC's CD set as mentioned above. Now I KNOW there are crafters among the folk community & Sally Rogers and Louie Berryman are both avid beaders - would putting packets of unusual beads up for auction be reasonable?

I wonder - with Secret Santa being something that goes on regularly, could putting nifty things up for auction to benefit Mudcat become a "go to" place for shopping?

I can't put my beadwork where my pixels are until perhaps Sunday or Tuesday - wicked busy musical schedule this weekend & I don't have much inventory left as I haven't been doing any beadwork for the last couple years while concentrating on making music.

Joanne in Cleveland