The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148145   Message #3445385
Posted By: maeve
01-Dec-12 - 04:48 PM
Thread Name: Secret Santa - Santee teasers - 2012
Subject: RE: Secret Santa - Santee teasers - 2012
Dear Not-At-All-Cretinous-Santa,

Thank you kindly for your efforts on my behalf. Thanks also to Mrs. Clause for her help...and you say I'll be visited by a Special Elf? How very clever of you. I'd best tidy up just to be ready.

I never open gifts before their designated Opening Day. Is that Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or Old Christmas, please. I'm afraid coal wouldn't be any use to us with all the firewood we have stacked, so I do want to get it right.

Too busy to be anything but good,
